Plaza Che owes it´s name to this famous piece of grafitti. It was painted over during a holiday but was redone by tenacious students.

´Paramilitary working for Justice and Peace´ This piece refers to the impunity given to the crimes of ´demobilized´ paramilitaries by the Jusice and Peace Law

´The fight of the man against the power is the fight of the memory against the forgetting´ Collective Memory

"Can you see democracy down there" says a Colombian soldier stood next to the grave of human rights. Plan Patriota is the latest bloody chapter in the ´War on Drugs´.

If you take the bread from my mouth, I fight!
If you take the land and the farm, I fight!
Violent action is not all the same, it´s just the people seeking freedom.

"Yes..Yes... It will be a fair game, equal conditions, you wanna´ play no?" March against TLC ´free trade´ treaty with the US, (see last blog entry)

Bush with President Alvaro Uribe Velez
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