Y venga! Y venga! Y venga compañeros! que aqui esta peleando la dignidad del pueblo!"
"Look out! Look out! Look out here comes the popular struggle in Latin America!
And come, come, come compañeros, for here is the fight of the dignity of the people!"

"Whe are not all here, we lack the political prisoners!"

"[President]Uribe! Fascist! You are a terrorist!"

"Military, paramilitaries are the same shit - they kill the people then say they didn´t!"

"We want chicha! [indigenous drink], we want maize! Multinationals out of the country!"

"For the right of the mountainside to be part of the city"

"No olvidamos, no perdonamos, no reconcilliamos, verdad! justicia! y reparacion integral! Movimientos de los victimos del estado, presente! presente! presente!"
"We can´t forget, we can´t forgive, we can´t reconcile, truth! justice! and complete reparation! Movement of the Victims of State Crimes, presente! presente! presente!"

"Clap! Clap! and dont stop clapping! Terrorist Government must go!"


"The people say it and they are right, Uribe [President] and Mancurso [paramilitary leader] are the same shit!"

"The political prisoners are not terrorists, they are fighters of the people!"
"The people united will forever be victorious!"

May Day Message of Solidarity - Cali, Colombia - Oxford UK
From the Comité of Solidarity with Political Prisoners, Cali Colombia, we send a sincere message of solidarity to the workers of Oxford and the Oxford and Districts Trades Council. We have not forgotten your struggle, like our struggle to obtain justice and equality for all. In this way we give our solidarity to your fight and we unite with you as companions even though a sea and thousands of miles separate us.
In Colombia as in England, we are suffering the effects of mass privatization of our public services. Not only public goods are being privatised, but our culture, environment and our system of justice. In Colombia people die at the doors of hospitals because they do not have the economic funds to pay for a system of health that the Sate has left in the hands of private entities. The strategy of this dynamic is to turn around the guarantees of social wellbeing and to increase profits at any cost. Those that are not able to pay are left in the protection of `God´, if the police do not catch them first.
Today we say in concert with the workers of Oxford NO to the policy of `Democratic Security´ of our Government that does not assure the rights of our people but the rights of the social classes that historically have exercised power - silencing social protest in a war against civil society.
We say NO to exploitation. We say NO to the persecution, imprisonment and assassination of our unionists, social leaders and students. We reject privatisation and we reject imperialism. We also reject the British Governments military aid to Colombia and the fictitious resolution of armed conflict through war.
We thank the Oxford and Districts Trades Council and the workers of Oxford for their work in solidarity with the Colombian people.
CSPP (Committee of Solidarity with Political Prisoners, Cali Colombia)
May 01, 2007
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